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Difference between Algorithmic vs. Manual Trading

In the ever-evolving financial sector, the introduction of automated trading versus manual trading has brought about remarkable advancements. Algo trading, a concept that's taken the financial world by storm, offers numerous benefits compared to traditional manual trading methods. In this article, we'll delve into a comprehensive analysis of both strategies, examining their pros and cons.

Algorithmic vs. Manual Trading

Understanding Manual Trading

Unlike automated trading, where programs execute transactions based on algorithms, manual trading requires traders to manually open and close positions. Traders engaged in manual trading meticulously gather data from trading terminals, and they can set up notifications to seize profitable opportunities. Every move in manual trading requires the trader's personal approval.

Benefits of Manual Trading

  • All Transactions Are In Control: Manual traders consider market conditions when initiating or closing positions, maintaining complete control over their actions.
  • A Bigger Industry Perspective: Despite occasional bot monitoring, manual traders can analyze external factors affecting asset prices, offering insights into market reactions to new information.
  • Quick Response to Market Shifts: Manual traders can promptly adapt to significant market trends, adjusting their strategies. This adaptability is a challenge for automated bots.

Drawbacks of Manual Trading

  • Limited Human Capacity: Keeping track of numerous assets and indicators becomes a daunting task due to the sheer volume.
  • Inability to Monitor Markets Constantly: Manual traders may miss certain price variations and trade opportunities.
  • Demands Dedication: Managing transactions and analyzing indicators consumes a considerable amount of time.
  • Not Suitable for All Strategies: Scalping and similar short-term tactics may not align well with manual trading.

Evaluating a Manual Trading Approach

Establishing an effective manual trading strategy requires experimentation with different techniques. Experts recommend initiating at least 200 trades, aligning them with your testing strategy. While it may take over a year in real-time, strategy testing in manual mode can be completed within two to three hours.

Demystifying Algo Trading

Algo trading, also known as automated or algorithmic trading, operates by automatically initiating and closing positions based on preset algorithms. These algorithms, constructed by bot providers, analyze indicators, price changes, and historical pricing data to make trading decisions.

Benefits of Algo Trading

  • 24/7 Availability of Trading Bots: Algo bots never sleep and strictly adhere to their programmed algorithms, eliminating emotional decision-making.
  • Swift Data Analysis: Algo bots excel at processing vast amounts of data quickly, ideal for high-frequency trading or rapid decision-making.
  • Handling Multiple Assets: Algo bots can efficiently manage a multitude of exchange-traded assets, which would be challenging for manual traders.
  • Incorporating More Indicators: Algo bots can incorporate various market signals into trading strategies.

Drawbacks of Algo Trading

  • Challenges in Handling News and Fundamental Data: Bots may misinterpret news and fundamental signals, requiring additional research.
  • Ineffectiveness during Sideways Markets: Bots may perform well during market upswings but struggle during sideways phases, requiring frequent parameter adjustments.
  • Uncertain Algorithm Performance: Bots with illogical algorithms may initially perform well but can become unprofitable with market shifts.

In Conclusion

In the world of stock investing apps, algorithmic trading offers distinct advantages in terms of speed, efficiency, and risk management when compared to manual trading. Artificial intelligence enhances algorithmic trading by processing data, identifying trends, and aiding decision-making. Algorithms are particularly useful for event-driven strategies and automated news monitoring. Striking a balance between algorithmic and manual trading can lead to more successful and robust trading techniques. For a seamless trading experience, explore trusted platforms like Share India's web and mobile solutions, offering real-time data and trade automation.


  • 1. Which trading method is better, manual or algo?

The choice between manual and algo trading depends on your trading goals and strategies. Each has its advantages and drawbacks. It's often beneficial to combine both for a well-rounded approach.

  • 2. How do I choose the right algorithm for algo trading?

Selecting the right algorithm depends on your trading goals. Consult with algorithm providers and consider historical performance and risk management features.

  • 3. Can manual traders use automation for certain tasks?

Yes, manual traders can automate specific tasks, like trade execution, to enhance efficiency and reduce the risk of human error.

  • 4. What are the best practices for risk management in algo trading?

Effective risk management in algo trading involves setting stop-loss orders, diversifying assets, and regularly monitoring and adjusting algorithms.

  • 5. Is algo trading suitable for beginners?

Algo trading can be complex, and beginners should educate themselves thoroughly and consider using paper trading accounts to practice before diving into real markets.

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